Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Financial tips for couples

Across the country there are thousands of cheerful couples saying "I do" to a lifetime of love and dedication. You have to wonder how many of these brides and grooms are aware that they could also be saying "I do" to hefty mortgage payments and troubled credit reports. Understanding the financial commitments that come with marriage can help to maintain marital bliss long after the ceremony. Here's what you need to know:

1. Talk About It - Openly discussing your finances with your fiancé is the best way to prevent future disagreements. Talk about your spending habits, your savings and your financial goals so that you will both be on the same page. Develop a plan for managing your money after the wedding. Will you open joint accounts? How much do you want to save each month? Work together to create a money management strategy that fits your needs.

2. Wedding Expenses - Planning the wedding of your dreams can sometimes lead to a nightmare of debt. The average wedding now costs $22,000, according to the Condé Nast Bridal Infobank, a hefty sum that can lead to big credit card bills after the honeymoon ends. Talk with your fiancé about how much you can afford to spend without breaking the bank. Be creative about cutting back your budget: using potted flowers and making the invitations yourself can help you shrink your costs without reducing your style.

3. Credit - Understanding your sweetheart's credit history can help you avoid future surprises. Your fiancé's credit could have a dramatic impact on your rates for co-signed loans and joint accounts in the future. If there are past credit problems, work together to clean things up and reduce debts. Starting your new life together could be a lot smoother with good credit.

4. Joint Accounts - Don't worry, your credit reports won't automatically merge together when you get married. Only when you open a joint account, become an authorized user or co-sign on a loan will a record appear on both your credit reports. Combining your finances this way can be a great way to get the best deal on a major purchase. Be careful though, any negative reporting associated with the account could mean double damage.

5. Love Nest - If you are planning on buying a home together, give yourselves at least six months to save up a down payment and reduce your debt-to-income ratio. A few months of financial improvement can help you save thousands on your mortgage.

6. Stay Focused - Above all else, don't let money problems come in the way of your love for each other. Talk honestly about your financial concerns and work together to get through the hard times. Your relationship is far more valuable than anything money can buy.

For more information contact Mark Bustamonte at 954-707-2932 or visit

Financial Education Services (FES) and FES Protection Plan

Thursday, March 11, 2010

VR Tech announces name change to Financial Education Services

At the first annual National Convention in Atlanta, GA in February 2010, VR Tech Marketing Group announced the name change to Financial Education Services (FES) to better identify the mission of the company and related product line.

Coral Springs, Florida (PRWEB) March 5, 2010 -- VR Tech Marketing Group, in order to better identify it mission, products and services, announced a name change to Financial Education Services (FES).

VR Tech Marketing Group, now Financial Education Services (FES) has been in successful operation for over 7 years. FES has worked with consumers since 2003 to help educate consumers about the importance of credit as well as providing resources to help consumers improve and maintain there credit rating.

Financial Education Services over the years has continued to build it's product line by adding products that enhance the credit restoration process. FES recognizes that the key to helping someone that has credit issues requires more then just deleting derogatory items from the credit report.

Some on the enhancements include the VR Tech Prepaid MasterCard as well as the UltraScore program. The prepaid MC offers an unsecured minimum line of credit that is acquired by applying a direct deposit from an employer to the consumers card. This ensures the repayment of the unsecured line as well as building good payment history.

UltraScore provides a comprehensive credit analysis for the consumer as well as an "Action Plan" to help the consumer understand all the components of there credit profile and what they need to do in order to maximize there credit in the most efficient manner.

Another major announcement that was made a the National Convention was the creation of the YFLF (Youth Financial Literacy Foundation) and the YFL (Youth Financial League) designed to help teach youth the importance of being financially literate. This program is geared toward youth ages between 8 to 18. This program will provide interactive web based teaching modules. Youth that complete the financial curriculum will be eligible for educational scholarships.

As well introduced was the launch of the FES Protection Plan. The FES Protection Plan is holistic approach to help consumers protect all areas of their finances and includes: Positive Credit Builder, Identity Theft Protection, Estate Planning, FES Debtzero.

FES Debtzero is a web based application that helps consumers to establish a clear and precise method of eliminating personal debt, secured or unsecured, in the most effective way. This tool will show the consumer how to repay there debt while creating discretionary income for savings.

Financial Education Services (FES) with it's long history of success as a company and very high valued products is positioning it self to be a major player in the revitalization of the economy by address the issue of financial illiteracy in communities all across the country.

For additional information about how you can on Financial Education Services (FES) please contact Mark Bustamonte at 954-707-2932 or visit

About Financial Education Services (FES):

Financial Education Services, Inc. ("FES") is primarily engaged in providing financial education services and products for the benefit of a federal credit union, its members, the members of other credit unions contracting with FES, and to prospective credit union members.

For more information contact:

Mark Bustamonte, Sales Director Financial Education Services 954-707-2932

Financial Education Services and Prime Financial Credit Services Financial Empowerment Network Team